Mar 26, 2014

The Bitter Truth

Salam and hello lovelies.
Sorry for no updates, replies and everything for this while.
Actually today, i would like to share something with u guys,
something more officially and idk, with hope i guess.

i've been bear it almost 2 years since back then and now, here u go.
Meet Nur Eva Umairah, my dear daughter.
She's 1 years and 11 months old now.
This strong girl had been diagnosed with TOF (Tetralogy of Fallot) - which she had VSD (Ventricular Septal Defect) and vessel problems, since birth.
Apparently, on 24.3.2014 evening, I've received a call from IJN where a nurse informed me that they finally have the date for my daughter's operation.
It will begins on the 30th of March this week where we have to admit to the ward, then proceed for the operation on April 1st, later next week.
Too soon and too sudden, yet still, we will try as best as we can for catching up with the fees and everything.
Those who are willing to help are very welcome and we'll be very thankful and grateful upon your kindness. May Allah ease and grant her a great health ahead, insyaAllah. aamiinn.
contact / whatsapp : 016-2531170 (me)
account number : 05012020387684 (bank islam, under the name of Muhammad Syahir bin Ali)

I've been sharing this official news on all of my social media includes instagram, twitter and also facebook (Qeela Aini).
I even had instadirect those popular icons hoping that they could at least help me spreading it. Unfortunately, so far there are no one cared enough about it, i mean among of those whom i've been instadirect etc with. It's okay, i know my dear pumpkin wouldn't have that much space on your sight especially when there are things that been happening around too, plus u didn't knew us right..i know i have to have someone that u know to make u see me and hear me. ☺

it's okay, cz gratefully, i have friends and families that are very thoughtful, very sweet, very caring and really supportive.
Also, maybe my dear lovely readers in here that will have a thoughts and prayers, or even help me spread it so that people could help us, right? i still have in mind whose readers that always keep in touch and supportive in here, with me. ☺
For all of u guys, really, from the bottom of my heart, i couldn't thank u guys enough. i really appreciate all of your thoughts, efforts, and prayers upon us esp my baby daughter. Really, may Allah bless and grant more success upon u guys, aamiinn.. ☺

As for now, we are still trying. When things happened and confirmed on the very last minute, only trying and spreading were our last resort. Yet of course, preparing and counting the days, with tawakkal and prayers. May Allah ease. May we could see your smile again, sugarbug. May u could play and run like the other kids, after this event. insyaAllah. Aamiinn.


  1. In Shaa Allah, hopefully there will be sufficient fund for the operation fees yeah? and hopefully everything will be smoothly...I'll pray for it...

  2. dear...

  3. Assalam... heard about this from farah waheda... InsyaAllah.. banyakkan bersabar... semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan... insyaAllah...

    1. Thank you so much yea! insyaAllah, mudah-mudahan mcm tu la hopefully kan..aamiinn :) thanks sgt for stopping by and your prayers yea. Moga dipermudahkan segala urusan kamu juga, aamiinn :)

  4. Thank u dear Farah for your support and prayers. Thank you for always been supportive. As i mention kwn blogger / lively readers yg supportive & always keep in touch tu yes u mmg on the list dear. Hny Allah yg mampu bls jasa u & if u need anything u know u have me too okay dear! thanks a lot! :')

  5. Semoga dipermudah segala urusan

  6. Assalamualaikum Qeela.

    I'm not so sure how to help u and ur little daughter..semoga semuanya dipermudahkan olehNYA..eventhough i know is not easy right..

  7. simpati tgk anak kecil menderita sakit mcm tu...semoga tabah menghadapinya...


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