Mar 21, 2018

That One Moment of Motherhood

That moment when you’re having a bad headache, 
yet busy putting on your hijab in order to 
fetch your daughter from school, 
there’s this little man whom 
pushing his way in front of you, 
before the makeup table, moving along his tiny hands 
around all the things there. 

He’s so fast you couldn’t catch his hands in time. 
Now you’re just staring at an opened and rattled, 
of your lipstick’s mini drawer, 
and as your eyes moving forward, 
there’s a bottle of one of your foundation, 
without it’s cap on, at the edge of the table. 
So, automatically you turn around at the little man 
which is now standing still by the door of your room.

He’s just quickly vanished himself 
from the room as your eyes met. 
With that bad headache, 
of course you’re not smiling at that time.

Felt a bit mad and since the headache is 
really killing you, so, 
you just rushed to the front door 
and started the engine, 
decided to just left him playing with his toys, 
with his dad there to look after him. 

As you reverse the car, you can see him looking at you 
by the grill, with such sad face, and then 
bursting to tears a bit before he went back inside. 
Ahh your heart’s a bit unsettled, 
hence, you stop the car and go to that front door. 

So there he is, sitting there in front of his toys 
with his back in front of you, 
and with his head down, 
it’s like he knew, 
he don’t get to follow you because 
of what he did earlier. 
His dad then make him apologised to you, 
then you just carry him with you to the car, 
together, fetching his sister.

How can you stay mad, 
while looking at his cute little back 
and round head, and his face, his eyes, 
his smells, ahh you just melt! 

And of course, 
it’s kinda funny when he just ran out 
of the room that moment earlier. 
TBH, he always did that, 
but, it’s still always funny and cute 
at the end though. 
Ahh you’ll always make ones smile, little man. 


  1. motherhood is really beautiful....... We thought mother is the one whom giving.. But in fact, our kids are really the true lovely angel..

  2. That's the joy of being a Mom. I always cherished all the moments spend with my Little Angels who always makes me feel happy.

  3. Permata hati.itu juga la penyejuk hati kan.semoga membesar dengan sihat

  4. Motherhood journey.. Bukan suatu yang mudah tapi ianya sangat indah. Cabaran dalam membesarkan anak yang bermacam ragam ☺

  5. Hope akan ada peluang juga untuk menjalani motherhood journey suatu hari nanti.

  6. Alahai.... Kalau sudah namanya anak kan. Marah macam mana pun mesti akhirnya menjadi penyejuk hati. 😍😍😍

  7. Alahai nie yang buat rasa nak dpt baby cepat2 nie. Doakan jodoh sy sampai cepat yer kak. Seronok baca !

  8. Right..even sometimes they just pun a very cute face in front of us and makes us wanna hugs him..they lighten my life with their own aura

  9. what a journey. bukan snenag nak jadi ibu. kena beris sepenuh perhtian pada anak.. anak2 pulak macam macam ragam

  10. Aww I know this feeling, the feeling of motherhood is the most beautiful emotion in the world. The bond between us and our kids is the strongest bond ever.

  11. Sweetnya bila dapat baca luahan hati ibu terasa rindu kat ibu kita lak hehehehehe...

  12. Tetiba rindu pulak pada anak2 bila baca luahan ini..rindu pada kenangan bersama mereka sewaktu kecil kemudian kebahagian itu di rampas buatkan hati cukup ralat tidak dapat membesarkan anak2 di depan mata...ummmmm

  13. bukan senang nak jadi ibu. betul. kalau takda rasa kasih syg, tanggungjawab, prihatin , bertolak ansur mmg payah. Lagi2 kalau sesiapa yg jadi ibu tuunggal,janda hmmm sedih

  14. Mother instint.. :) Bukan mudah ye nak jadi ibu.. motherhood journey yang masih jauh untuk dilalui.. semoga anak2 membesar dengan baik dan sihat ya :)

  15. Alahai comelnya lah si kecik ni ye. Memang macam tu lah lumrah seorang ibu kan. Marah macam mana pun dekat si anak tapi at one point bila dapat renungan simpati si anak, automatik perasaan marah tu hilang. Sabar je lah. I can feel u dear 😊.

  16. pengalaman menjadi ibu memang sesuatu yang menyeronokkan. melihat anak-anak membesar dan semakin bijak hari demi hari. itulah perasaan semua mak kat dunia ni kan. walaupun kita belum ada jodoh dan belum berkeluarga lagi tapi sangat mengagumi wanita yang bergelar ibu!

  17. Sangat mencabar tapi deep inside rasa bersyukur dapat jaga mereka sendiri sejak lahir. Anak2 saya 5y, 3y dan 1y.

    Happy enjoying motherhood :)

  18. First two years memang struggle, usia tiga tahun rileks skit. masuk 4 tahun dia banyak cakap dah. semua benda argue dan question. haaaaa macam cikgu dekat rumah. kena kreatif jawab soalan dia agar dia tak ikut cara kita cakap. hurmmm. makin bijak, makin seronok. tapi as mother, kita kurang rehat. kalau dapat tido, 1 jam pun jadi la.

  19. Awh loved your entry dear and motherhood is certainly a special thing to go through. It's not always easy but the experiences make it all worth while. My little girl is giving me the experience of a lifetime on my end but at the end of the day, it is one I would not trade for anything else.

  20. Dulu masa kecik2 anak kena tinggal. Memang it's true dia akan tengok kita kat grill bila kita nak keluar kemudian terlompat-lompat bila nampak kita balik. Di sebalik pintu grill tu jugak la...

  21. sayu pula saya , sis. walaupun belum bgelar ibu tapi faham.. semoga akak tabah and kuat harungi fasa anak nk mbesar. insha-allah

  22. Momen ibu dan anak antara momen indah. Ianya merupakan pengalaman hidup yang sangat mahal buat ibu dan anaknya. Inilah memori indah antara daya ikatan kasih sayang mereka.

  23. so sweeett...ciktom pun baru je dapat first baby..dah 2 months...dia senyum tengok kita pun dah rasa melting sgt..hihi

  24. Memori antara ibu dan anak memang sentiasa dalam ingatan. Rindu saat-saat bersama dengan mak. Rose pula sedang berusaha dan berdoa untuk menjadi ibu. Moga Allah murahkan rezeki buat kami dan juga semua pasangan yang sedang menantikan zuriat.

  25. Being a mom is a best moment as woman. You will miss them when they grow up (really fast) and one day, they will left for study etc

  26. Missed my motherhood memories, too many wonderful memories i my baby growing up..turn to teenagers, really missed when she was child..why so fast she grown up?

  27. Motherhood lah yang paling seronok dna banyak kenangan. Masih beruntung punya baby lagi. Walaupun kita dalam keletihan tak cukup tidur dan melayan kerenah anak anak tapi macam yang sy cakap tadi motherhood tuh indah sangat..banyak memori boleh dicipta bersama anak anak

  28. Motherhood life..Masa yang berharga

  29. Tahniah anda berjaya jadi seorang ibu yg berjaya. Memang tabah tapi motherhood life memori terindah bersama anak dan membesarkan anak.

  30. Motherhood journey yang sangat indah,penuh liku dan pancaroba. Namun di hujung hari kita akan tersenyum dengan keindahan anugerah Allah yang sementara ini. Kelak anak2 membesar dan dewasa,tiada lagi suara tangisan, rumah bersepah..kita pasti rindu waktu ini.

  31. Pengalaman dan perasaan spt ini adalah anugerah yg mengajar erti betapa berharganya amanah yg dikurniakan. Moga sentiasa dirahmati dan diberkati... rindu pula kat ibu saya :)

  32. Only parents can understand the heavy responsibilities faced every day taking care of the children. But the joy is rewarding, apparently.

  33. What a nice and lovely motherhood journey! Thanks for sharing this post! =)

  34. Motherhood will be a journey, best happened to any woman...

    Enjoy motherhood as much as enjoy your life..

  35. Faham sangat. I'm a mom of 4 superheroes myself, memang penat. But at the end of the day, nothing can beat my love towards them.

  36. Bertuahlah bagi mereka yang punya kesempatan dan rezeki bergelar ibu dan ada zuriat..bukan semua orang bertuah..macam saya..belum ada tuah nak merasa jadi ibu :)

  37. the journey of motherhood aint easy and it takes a lot of love ad patience. so nice to read about your journey and of course I wish i could feel the journey!

  38. alolololo...i can only imagine that scenario playing out. He must have been so scared to get yelled at but still hopeful that he could take a ride with you. adorable!

  39. semoga membesar dengan baik dan jadi anak yg berjaya dunia akhirat..
    feel free to visit my blog .. https//

  40. sedyhh!! rasa nak nangis! i know how u feel! can't stay mad at them la.. can't resist their sad face kan..

  41. Great post! That is what a mother's journey. We all need to be proud of ourselves as a mom.

  42. Awww so sweet of you writing this poem!! Hopefully I can be a great mum too in the future =P

  43. let's enjoy our journey be a mother...i love to follow the flow being a mother of 2 sons


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