"My Favourite Ramadhan Moment" - The contest :)

Salam and hello readers :)

Actually I just wanna share my essay for the Dena Bahrain's Ramadhan contest :)
Well, it's apart of me too, so, why not I paved the memories here too right?
Well then, here we go! :)


Come and go each every year.
Full with the sweetness secrecy, the best month ever for the whole year.
For some people, Ramadhan is more than just fasting and looking forward to celebrate Eid. Some people also do tend to make Ramadhan as their goals, which to make themselves better than they had ever be in every angle of their life. Some might also targetting on the higher rewards or try to lock on the highest good deeds they could ever make, thus, collected it for this awesome month. As for the purerer than ever, they would seek for the magical Lailatul Qadr. Subhanallah. There’s just no words that could best describes how great this very special month, Ramadhan, ever meant to us Muslims.
As for those magical Ramadhan moment, there’s one Ramadhan that apparently 
appeared to be my favourite Ramadhan moment ever. 
Despite somehow yes there are more but this Ramadhan that I want to 
talk about was just super something.

Ramadhan 2012. 
The most bubbly, sweetly gracefully feelings I have ever felt. 
There are two obvious reasons from it. 
Firstly, it was the moment where I had started to wore hijab. 
Yes, a change-for-good moment. A sweet ‘Hijrah’. Alhamdulillah. 
It all started just like a some kind of whisper from the inner me, 
while I’m get ready to went to the Ramadhan’s bazaar nearby my house with my mom and little sister. After I have change my cloth, there was a strong feelings that made me felt like just wanna put the hijab on and wore it out. 

At first, I was kind of doubted at myself, which I have asked myself, 
“Should I wear it or not?” After a few moment looking at my own self in the mirror, 
I inhaled deeply and then slowly exhaled along with this beauty magically words, “Bismillahhirrahmanirrahimm” and just wore the hijab on me and went out. 
From  the first glance they saw me, I could saw them grinned, excitedly, said, 
“Wow you have wore a hijab, how beautiful!” I knew my mom was the happiest person ever at that very moment when she saw her own daughter finally completely covered all over her body. Yet her (my mom) patience had granted now as another one of her daughter had wore hijab for good. Alhamdulillah, I have never took it off and felt kind of complete as for my clothing eversince then. Alhamdulillah. Even sometimes, at some point, I barely imagined 
of the sins I will make like the head is burns, etc, if not covering them up. 
Okay it is kind of freak to imagined those things but well, isn’t it what will really happen 
or I shall say the reality in the hereafter later? Astaghfirullahalazim..
Thank god now all of my family members have wore hijab, Alhamdulillah..

Okay  that’s about the Hijab journey..Now the second part, which is....hehe, 
I have met my favourite actor, Fizo Omar! Hehe. This bubbly moment happened on the same beautiful Ramadhan 2012, where Fizo had came to our Ramadhan bazaar for the Ramadhan TV Show’s shooting. This moment happened several days after my 
Hijab Journey as I have mentioned earlier, thus made this Ramadhan 2012 were the most awesome. Well okay, if I’m not mistaken, the TV Show was entitled ‘Best Bazaar Ramadhan’, something like that. Sorry I could not recall it but it is about the best, chosen bazaar in town. So, since Fizo was the host for the show, and my place’s bazaar was chosen to be featured, here comes the best lucky day for us. 

Actually, my sister was the one who had told me that he was coming on that day. 
So, on that evening, we were excitedly went to the bazaar along with the hope to meet him face to face since yes it’s like once in a blue moon for us to get the opportunity to 
meet one of our favourite stars back then. 
The moment we have arrived, we could saw him clearer right in front of us, shooting. Awwww. 
Shy enough at first, so we went off bought our food for the break fast. 
Then, we met him again on a same stall that we were in, so, thank God I have bravely encouraged myself to talk to him for the sake of my sister (and yes me too, hehe). 
He was calm and friendly, and just simply agreed to took some pictures with us. 
He even asked me  to hold my dear pumpkin baby girl, Eva, and hugged her with loved and just so naturally. Yeah he’s just awesome and not arrogant but real friendly, which made us felt amazing too and kind of ‘we were just the same’, I mean, 
no “I’m artist and you are not” thingy. You know. 
Overall, it’s one of our awesome day! Alhamdulillah.

Well then, that’s all for my favourite Ramadhan moment. 
Both beautiful moment in a Ramadhan. 
Both that were so unexpected yet lovely.
 It’s the sweetest unforgettable Ramadhan memories for me too. 
Well, some people may find it plain or nothing but as for me, 
it’s just huge and something. 

Alhamdulillah. Thank You Allah. 

Thanks for reading. Here’s I’ve featured the photo for this beautiful 
Ramadhan 2012 that I have talked about. 
May you enjoy my stories. 
Till then, wassalam. :)

12 bubblynotes :):

  1. wah, gambar dengan fizo gitu :D anyway, salam ramadhan :) jodoh panjang nie sebab muka akak seiras dengan suami, anak pun muka seiras . hehe.

    1. hehe Salam Ramadhan to u too :) thanks, insyaAllah aamiinnn, heheheee..ingt nk ckp muke ngn fizo td, naseb adik ckp muke ngn hubby, heheheehe :3

  2. salam ramadhan akak :)


  3. Salam.

    Qeela.. tahniah, syukur Alhamdulillah utk ur sweet 'hijrah'. Lana doakan ia menjadi lebih baik selepas ini.. Pelahan2 lah.. jgn paksa diri.. :)

    1. W'slm, heheee, thanks dear, insyaAllah mudah2an istiqomah dan lebih baik lg lps ni, aamiinnn :) thank you sgt2 yea :D

  4. slmt mnyambut bulan ramadhan yerr :)

    1. Thanks syg, Salam Ramadhan to u too ye! :D

  5. Fizo la fizo . auwww . huhu .
    Selamat menyambut ramadhan nanti ye dear :)

    1. Hehe fans fizo gk yea? hehehe, thanks dear, Salam Ramadhan to u too! :D

  6. selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan..=)

    1. Hehee thanks yee, Salam Ramadhan to u too dear :D


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